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黄军建,博士, 教授, 中国指挥与控制学会理事,中国仿真学会虚拟技术及应用专委会委员,中国计算机学会虚拟现实与可视化技术专委会委员, 重庆市九三学社海外联络工作委员副主任, 重庆市高校优秀人才支持计划获得者,重庆市高校中青年骨干教师,IEEE会员,美国TEXAS A&M大学访问学者。主要研究方向为:非线性控制、复杂网络控制和忆阻系统分析、虚拟现实技术、计算机视觉处理、人工智能等,分别在《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》、《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Chaos》、《Circuits Systems and Signal Processing》、《Chinese Physics B 》及国际学术会议上录用发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI收录50余篇,主编教材2部,授权专利5项,担任国家自然科学基金委同行评议专家,国际学术刊物Mathematics特邀编辑,兼任国际学术刊物IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IET Control Theory &Applications, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Neural Computing & Applications, ISA Transactions等审稿人,主持主研国家自然科学基金2项,主持主研重庆市科研项目10余项。


[1] 2021年获中国虚拟现实大赛全国一等奖优秀指导老师

[2] 2017年获重庆市高校优秀人才支持计划

[3] 2016年获重庆市第七批高校中青年骨干教师

[4] 2016年获重庆市科协首届自然科学优秀学术论文

[5] 2014年全国软件专业人才设计与开发大赛全国赛区二奖指导老师

[6] 2014年校级教师课堂教学质量二等奖

[7] 2013年全国软件专业人才设计与开发大赛全国赛区优胜奖指导老师

[8] 2013年全国软件专业人才设计与开发大赛重庆赛区三等奖指导老师

[9] 2013年获校级优秀科研成果一等奖

[10] 2013年获校级优秀科研先个人

[11] 2011年校级教师课堂教学质量二等奖


[1] Yang Wenqiang, Huang Junjian*, He Xing, Wen Shiping, Huang, Tingwen. Finite-Time Synchronization of Neural Networks With Proportional Delays for RGB-D Image Protection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023.

[2] Yang, Jinyue, Huang Junjian*, He, Xing, Wen, Shiping . Bipartite synchronization of signed Lur’e network via quantized control. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, p 1-1, 2023

[3] Cao Zili, Huang Junjian* ,He XingZong Zhaowen. BND-VGG-19: A deep learning algorithm for COVID-19 identification utilizing X-ray images. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, 258:110040, 2022.

[4] Yang Jinyue , Huang Junjian*; He, XingYang, Wenqiang. Bipartite synchronization of Lur'e network with signed graphs based on intermittent control. ISA Transactions, 2022

[5] Yang Wenqiang, Huang Junjian* , Wen Shiping, He Xing. Fixed-time synchronization of neural networks with time delay via quantized intermittent control, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, 2805, 2022.

[6] Huang Junjian*, Li Chuandong, Huang Tingwen. Lag quasi-synchronization of coupled delayed systems with parameter mismatch by periodically intermittent control , NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 71(3), 469-478, 2013.

[7] Huang, Junjian*, Li, Chuandong, Huang, Tingwen, He, Xing. Finite-time lag synchronization of delayed neural networks. Neurocomputing, 2014.

[8] Huang, Junjian*, Li, Chuandong, He Xing. Stabilization of a memristor-based chaotic system by intermittent control and fuzzy processing, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems2013.

[9] Huang Junjian*, Li Chuandong, Zhang WeiWei Pengcheng. Projective synchronization of a hyperchaotic system via periodically intermittent control, CHINESE PHYSICS B.21(9), 090508, 2012.

[10] Huang Junjian*, Li Chuandong. Weak projective lag synchronization of neural networks with parameter mismatch. Neural Computing and Applications2013.

[11] Huang Junjian, Li Chuandong*, Han Qi. Stabilization of delayed chaotic neural networks by periodically intermittent control, CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 28(4), 567-579, 2009. 

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